The Great Sunflower Project

What a neat Science project. I just found this online. We have never done it before, but I read for 2009 they had over 50 thousand people participate! I just read there is over 70,000 already signed up for 2010! This is open to everyone in the US and Canada.

You need to register for an account. You will need to buy Lemon Queen Sunflower seeds. I have seen them all over recently. In fact, I was at Walmart the other day and they were there. Of course we picked up 2 packs of different Sunflower seeds! I ordered mine from the Sunflower Project, they were $3.00.

There are four easy steps to participate:

1.Sign up and plant your sunflower
2.Describe your garden
3.Time how long it takes 5 bees to visit your sunflower plant
4.Enter your data online or send us your form.

The data sheet is online, just fill out and submit. Or they have one you can print out and snail mail.

What a great way for them to collect/gather information on Bees. Bees are so important to our planet. They do so much more than just pollinate flowers and give great honey! Lets help The Sunflower Project and give a few minutes of our time!

So, go check them out at The Great Sunflower Project and get signed up!

I can’t wait to get started on this!

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